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WED SEP 25 at 6:00PM
WED SEP 25 at 6:00PM
Point Grey
WED SEP 25 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 2 at 4:00PM  
WED OCT 2 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 2 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 2 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 2 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 2 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 2 at 6:00PM
MON OCT 7 at 6:00PM
Point Grey
MON OCT 7 at 6:00PM
MON OCT 7 at 6:00PM
MON OCT 7 at 6:00PM  
WED OCT 9 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 9 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 9 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 9 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 16 at 4:00PM  
Winston Churchill
WED OCT 16 at 6:00PM
John Oliver
WED OCT 16 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 16 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 16 at 6:00PM
THU OCT 17 at 4:00PM  
THU OCT 17 at 5:00PM  
THU OCT 17 at 6:00PM  
MON OCT 21 at 6:00PM
MON OCT 21 at 6:00PM
King George
MON OCT 21 at 6:00PM
Eric Hamber
MON OCT 21 at 6:00PM
MON OCT 21 at 6:00PM
Prince of Wales
WED OCT 23 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 23 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 23 at 6:00PM
Charles Tupper
WED OCT 23 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 23 at 6:00PM
Winston Churchill
WED OCT 23 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 23 at 6:00PM
Prince of Wales
THU OCT 24 at 4:00PM  
THU OCT 24 at 6:00PM
Winston Churchill
THU OCT 24 at 6:00PM
David Thompson
MON OCT 28 at 6:00PM
MON OCT 28 at 6:00PM
Point Grey
MON OCT 28 at 6:00PM
Vancouver Technical
MON OCT 28 at 6:00PM
Eric Hamber
MON OCT 28 at 6:00PM
David Thompson
MON OCT 28 at 6:00PM
Charles Tupper
MON OCT 28 at 6:00PM
John Oliver
TUE OCT 29 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 30 at 6:00PM
Winston Churchill
WED OCT 30 at 6:00PM
David Thompson
WED OCT 30 at 6:00PM
Charles Tupper
WED OCT 30 at 6:00PM
John Oliver
WED OCT 30 at 6:00PM
WED OCT 30 at 6:00PM
Vancouver Technical
WED OCT 30 at 6:00PM
Eric Hamber
TUE NOV 5 at TBA  
Windermere (-)
TUE NOV 5 at TBA  
Windermere (-)
TUE NOV 5 at TBA  
Windermere (-)
TUE NOV 5 at TBA  
Windermere (-)
WED NOV 6 at 4:00PM  
Windermere (-)
WED NOV 6 at 4:00PM  
WED NOV 6 at 6:00PM  
Windermere (-)
WED NOV 6 at 6:00PM  
Windermere (-)
THU NOV 7 at 3:00PM  
Windermere (-)
THU NOV 7 at 3:00PM  
Windermere (-)
THU NOV 7 at 5:00PM  
Windermere (-)
THU NOV 7 at 7:00PM  
Windermere (-)
Vancouver, BC, Canada
VSSAA Rules and Regulations




Sport carried out under the auspices of the VSSAA shall be organized by leagues, and/or championship tournaments.



1.   VSSAA League Conveners shall be elected by the voting members at the League Organizational or Wind-up Meetings. The VSSAA Board of Directors shall appoint a League Convener if one is not elected at a League meeting.

2.  It shall be the duty of each league convener to ensure that the VSSAA rules and regulations are enforced.

3.  The convener shall be responsible for:

(a)       calling, preparing an agenda for, and chairing all organizational and wind-up meetings:

(b)       arranging for scheduling committee to draw up the various leagues, playoffs, venues and dates;

(c)        acting as the liaison person with the Officials’ Association for their sport;

(d)       administering playoffs, including notification of referees and presentation of trophies at finals; and confirming with the VSSAA executive that all trophies and presenters are arranged for;

(e)       furnishing a statement of receipts and disbursements, as well as any cash balance, where admissions are charged;

(f)        serving as a member of the VSSAA Discipline and Protest Committee for issues involving their sport;

(g)       preparing a report on league problems, and resolutions for the wind-up meeting;

(h)       acting as a liaison to the directors with regards to any problems in his/her sport;

(i)        communicating to the schools any rule or interpretation changes that occur in their sport.

4.  League conveners are entitled to receive honoraria as decided annually by the directors.



League conveners shall appoint a recording secretary and that person shall be responsible for preparing minutes of proceedings of all meetings of leagues or committees.



1.  The VSSAA District Funds shall receive gate receipts from single game championship play.

2.   Where championships are held requiring more than one game, the receipts shall be forwarded to the VSSAA. The VSSAA directors and the Tournament Committee shall decide the disbursement of funds.

3.   Admission prices shall be established by the league convener in consultation with the directors.

4.   At the Sr. Girls’ and Sr. Boys’ Basketball levels, the host school has the option to either keep the gate or to take the discretionary fund and follow the above guidelines #1 - #3.

5.  The VSSAA District Funds shall pay for all perpetual team trophies, engraving, certificates and ribbons for VSSAA championships, providing funds are available.

6.   The VSSAA District Funds shall pay reasonable miscellaneous costs as approved by the VSSAA Directors, providing funds are available.

7.   The VSSAA District Funds shall pay officiating costs for the championship game, providing funds are available.

8.   The VSSAA shall pay honoraria to league conveners as approved by the directors, providing funds are available.

9.   A Discretionary Fund will be allocated to each VSSAA sanctioned sport. The League Convener is responsible for the Fund’s disbursement and coordinates this allocation with the District Athletics’ Coordinator. The League Convener must file a completed financial statement to the VSSAA Executive within 2 weeks of the end of the season.

10.  The directors must approve all other expenses.

11.  All normal expenses for league finals will be financed by the VSSAA District Funds. It will be at the discretion of the League Convener to disperse in accordance with the guidelines developed by the VSSAA.

12.  The directors of the association shall determine what is considered “normal expenses” if the need arises.

13.  Where feasible, admission may be charged at playoff games. Teachers in member schools shall not be charged admission to any competition sponsored by the VSSAA.

14. It is the duty of the Tournament Coordinator to forward a financial statement to the Sport Convener in order to be reimbursed from the VSSAA District Funds.

15. Rental costs of a facility for Championships will only be paid by VSSAA District Funds if a suitable facility is not available in the city, e.g. Swangard for Track & Field, or if it is necessary for the sport, e.g. Green fees for Golf.



Section I              Travel to B.C. Championships

a)  The VSSAA will continue to request funding from the VSB to pay for E.O.C. costs for coaches travelling to BC Championships.

b)  The VSSAA District Funds will pay for the team registration fee - this would cover only basic tournament costs such as facility and referee fees.

c)  If funds are available at the end of the school year, the VSSAA District Funds will pay up to an amount of 25% of costs (accommodation and transportation) for a team travelling to a B.C. Championship.

d)  The V.S.B. will pay employee-on-call costs for a B.C. School Sports’ Sport Commissioner who needs to travel to a B.C. Championship.

e)  Liability, Insurance, Transportation, Permission and Consent Forms, and Supervision issues should follow the Vancouver School Board‘s Field Trips Policy.

f)    Funding assistance is restricted to teams that participate in a VSSAA league.

Any school team that qualifies for and participates in a BC Championships that requires the team to be away for an overnight or longer must adhere to the VSB overnight field study policy.  Before an overnight field study experience is finalized, the following approvals must be obtained:

a)    approval of the principal;

b)    approval of the Director of Instruction in advance of the proposed field study;

c)    parental or guardian consent;

d)    medical consent and information (when required due to specific medical conditions).

         Planning for field studies should include attention to adequate supervision and to legal concerns.


It is the policy of the Board that no student shall be denied attendance on an educational field study for financial reasons. The policy applies not only to those students whose families are in receipt of social assistance but also to those students who, in the opinion of the principal, come from families who would find it extremely difficult to meet the financial costs incurred in such field studies. Funds exist to provide financial assistance to students who cannot meet the costs involved in field studies.

Principals should contact their associate superintendent for student financial assistance. The desirability of having students involved in extensive fund-raising activities to subsidize the cost of overnight field studies is questionable.


The best protection against such liability is careful planning, the acceptance and use of proven procedures and standards, and the presence of well qualified leaders. When a student is injured while participating in school activities, either inside or outside the school premises, the student has no claim for damages against the School Board or the teacher unless negligence on the part of the School Board or the teacher is proven to have resulted in the injury. Liability for injury resulting from poor supervision can be established when the following four conditions exist:

(a) the standard of care which a court of law would likely use as a criterion in negligence action is that which would be exercised by a careful parent of a large family.  It is the duty and obligation of a teacher to use a standard of care for the protection of others against unreasonable risk of injury;

(b) failure to conform to the above standard;

(c) a reasonably close connection between the conduct of the person in charge and the resulting injury;

(d) actual loss or damage to the injured person.

Insurance Coverage

Teachers, in order to feel comfortable and secure when involved in out-of-classroom activities, should be aware of their legal rights and protection as a Vancouver School Board employee.

Under the terms of the policy, parents are considered as volunteer workers, and as such the policy protects the Board and the volunteers for liability imposed by law, as a result of possible negligence by one of these volunteer workers.

If the supervisors of the group are negligent in the care and custody of the students, both the Board and the supervisor are protected.

The Board, teachers and volunteers are protected on a 24-hour basis during the field study. The coverage is in effect so long as teachers and volunteers are acting within the scope of their employment. For example, a teacher would not be covered if a student was taken on an unauthorized venture for personal reasons during the field study.  Similarly, the teacher might also not be covered if a field study was organized without getting the permission of the principal. If the Board were held liable by the courts as a result of such unauthorized activity, it would be covered under its policy, but the insurers may have the right to recover from the teacher any payment which it is obliged to make on behalf of the Board.


Refer to the VSB policies in regards to transportation when travelling to competition.

Permission and Consent Forms

Before taking students on residential or day field studies, all necessary permission must be obtained. Medical information about each participant on the field study should also be obtained.


The teacher is responsible for adequate supervision of students at all times, although the teacher in charge may be assisted by secondary and university students, parents, other competent adults, and camp staff.  For all overnight co-educational excursions, supervision must include both male and female adults.

Please refer to VSB policy for supervision ratios based on the number of students participating in the overnight activity.


Section II             Hosting B.C. Championships:

a)           The VSSAA or host school will make a request to the VSB to cover employee-on-call costs for the tournament coordinator and one (1) teacher coach or teacher sponsor.

b)          Vancouver coaches volunteering to host a provincial championship must get prior approval from the VSSAA before committing Vancouver to host.

c)           V.S.B. District Funds will pay for Vancouver teams’ tournament registration fees, covering only basic tournament costs.

d)          Hospitality suites for coaches will not be provided for through the funds from the VSSAA.



Section I              Activities

1.    Leagues are organized in activities requested by schools.

2.    Organization meetings for the various leagues shall be called by the league convener.

3.    A League Organization Meeting for newly approved activities will be arranged upon written request by four member schools to the VSSAA Executive.  Requests must be received at least 30 days prior to the proposed season of play. The season of play will be determined by the VSSAA Executive.  Request for sanction can be made at the end of a two-year trial period, and subsequent ratification to take place at the AGM.

4.    Present activities include:

  Girls                          Boys                            Co-ed                                             Open



Badminton (mixed doubles)

Competitive Golf



Tennis (mixed doubles)






Track & Field

Track & Field







Table Tennis

Table Tennis















Ice Hockey




Field Hockey




Recreational Golf





Section II             Voting at League Meetings

1.    Each member school is entitled to designate one representative per league division to vote at league meetings.  A person must be present to vote.

2.    League policy may be changed by a simple 51% majority.

3.    Policy may be changed at either the league organizational or wind-up meetings but is subject to approval by the VSSAA Athletic Directors and Executive.

4.    Each school must send a representative to the Organizational Meeting to register the team(s) from their school.

5.    If a school fails to send a representative to the Organizational Meeting, the school may not be eligible to compete in league play, at the discretion of the League Convener.



Section I                School Obligation to Participate

1.     Schools are not committed to play in all sports or enter all divisions of a particular association league; but where a school has teams competing in all sports approved by the VSSAA, they shall be obligated to play all games to completion in all VSSAA league competition, (including scheduled exhibition), and VSSAA playoffs.

2.     At the senior level of play in the Boys’ Basketball league, teams must register at the Wind-up Meeting. Only these teams have the right to play for the Vancouver Championships.


Section II             Organization of Leagues

1.     Leagues may be organized in more than one division.

2.     There must be a senior division unless the directors grant permission otherwise.

3.     Schools entering the intermediate, senior “B”, and/or senior “A”, but not the most senior level of play in a sport, must ask permission to do so at the league organization meeting.

4.     Only one team from a school is permitted to advance to the association playoffs.

5.     Teams from other associations entering a VSSAA league will be required to travel to Vancouver for their games (unless otherwise agreed to by the Vancouver schools).

6.     Public school teams from other associations may apply for eligibility for league play in the VSSAA. Requests to join the VSSAA must be submitted, in writing, to the VSSAA Executive for review. Upon approval from the VSSAA Executive, all teams are subject to VSSAA policies as outlined in this handbook, and are subject to an admission fee of $1000 per entry.  

7.     If a VSSAA league offers multiple tiers, Non-VSSAA schools must enter the highest tier (tier 1) in order to be eligible to participate in S2S zone tournaments and/or BCSS provincial tournaments. Non-VSSAA Schools are not permitted to participate in the VSSAA playoffs.

8.     Alternate school programs and teams fall under the jurisdiction of the VSSAA and the sponsoring secondary school, when they are involved in VSSAA leagues.

9.     To qualify as a VSSAA League Champion, a league must have at least four (4) VSSAA member school teams.

10. Teams from VSSAA Member schools must have the permission of the VSSAA Board of Directors in order to join a league of another association.

11.   Teams that are added to the league after the organizational meeting, if not already approved by the league convener will be subject to the following penalties:

a)   Prior to the schedule being finalized - $75.00

b)    After the league schedule is finalized but prior to the start of league play - $250.00


Section III            Organization of Scheduled Playoffs

1.     Organization of association schedules and playoffs is a mutually co-operative effort between the VSSAA Executive, Athletic Directors and the VSSAA Championship Standards Committee.


Section IV            Game Rules

1.     All VSSAA league and playoff competition will be played under the rules of the recognized authority for that sport. Exceptions may be incorporated by a majority vote of coaches at either the organization or wind-up meeting for that sport pending approval of the VSSAA Athletic Directors and VSSAA Executive.

2.     Thirty (30) minutes after starting time a team may claim the game by forfeit, provided that reasonable attempts to ascertain the reason for delay were made.  If a team arrives after the thirty minute waiting period and the protesting coach believes a forfeiture is in order, the Protest Procedure must be followed as outlined in Section XI - Protests.

3.     A player representing his/her school in all VSSAA league, playoff and provincial competition is required to wear a recognized school uniform. A school uniform consists of a shirt and shorts or strip appropriate to the sport. The strip will have recognized school colours with or without school logo and/or cresting. 

If a school wishes to adapt colours or change colour, name or logo, it must be put before the membership at the A.G.M. Exceptions to the uniform policy based upon religious and cultural grounds can be appealed to the VSSAA Directors.

Strip that displays any type of commercial advertising (other than a small decal sized logo) will not be allowed in league or championship play.

4.     If a coach/sponsor is ejected from a game by an official, the game must be discontinued unless a different sponsor from the same school takes over the responsibilities of the ejected coach. Discontinued games shall be awarded to the team of the non-offending coach. A discipline report must be filed with the VSSAA Discipline Chair.

5.     The coach/sponsor of the home team must enter the score after each league and playoff game on the VSSAA website.  Game scores must be reported by the end of that week otherwise penalties will be enforced. The penalty will be a minimum of $5.00 per incident. All fees will be collected by the VSSAA.

6.     SUPERVISION: The school team may be accompanied by a community coach as long as all of the criteria listed below are met.  If the community coach does not meet these guidelines then the school team must be accompanied by a coach/sponsor defined as a person employed by the Vancouver School Board and/or a School Liaison Officer or retired VSB employee approved by the school’s Administrator, in accordance with the VSB Field Trips policy to all games (exhibition, league, playoffs unrestricted, restricted). The School Administrator must ensure that the supervision adheres to the Principles of the VSSAA, Coach‘s Responsibilities and Coach‘s Code of Conduct as outlined in the VSSAA Handbook. The competition official and other supervisors must be aware of who the adult supervisor is if that supervisor is a different individual than the coach. The supervisor must be in attendance prior to the commencement of the competition and must stay for the duration of the competition on the bench or in the appropriate coaching area.

NB. This policy overrides the BC SCHOOL SPORTS policy which allows a responsible adult to be the supervisor.

Community Coach Guidelines

Preamble:  VSSAA understands that Community Coaches can be an important partner in the school sport system in providing opportunities for student athletes.

VSSAA respects the autonomy of each of our secondary and middle schools.  VSSAA also recognizes that schools may have a differing perspectives or philosophies with respect to the use of non VSB employees to coaching their teams. There should not be any pressure or implied obligation for schools to field teams in all sports or leagues – that decision should be left to the school principal and athletic director to determine.

The VSSAA Executive recommends the following guidelines be strictly enforced to ensure that the philosophy, objectives and values of the VSSAA system are maintained.  (If a prospective coach does not fulfill all of the criteria listed below then current VSSAA policy requiring a VSB employee to be present at all games would be in effect).


1. Community Coaches should complete the Community Coaches’ Application Form and submit copies to both the Athletic Director and School Principal. The form will enable School Representatives to start to determine the qualifications and suitability of the prospective Community Coach to supervise and coach students of school age, and to receive from the prospective Community Coach authorization to conduct a Criminal Records check (looking for convictions under the Criminal Code of Canada, the Narcotics Control Act or the Food & Drugs Act).

1.1 The community coach must complete his/her criminal record check through the VPD or RCMP.

1.2  The School Principal and/or Athletic Director should request and check at least two references for each Community Coach candidate. Reference checks should include questions about previous conduct, suspensions or probationary penalties served, technical skill and ability, age group and/or gender previously coached and degree of commitment and interest.

2.   The Community Coach must be at a minimum of 19 years of age in order to be granted full privileges.

2.1 Current secondary school students and recent graduates (less than two years previous) will not receive full coaching privileges (they must have a VSB sponsor at all games).

3.   The Community Coach must have completed at minimum NCCP’s Make Ethical Decisions Training Course including the online evaluation component. Anything less means that a VSB employee must be present at all games in accordance with association policies.

4.   The School Principal and Athletic Director should meet with each prospective Community Coach to discuss school athletic policy and school sport philosophy, ensuring that the coach understands:

4.1   the expectations for the supervision of students

4.2   VSB and school emergency protocol within the school

4.3   accountability for equipment, uniforms, finances

4.4   league schedules and deadlines

4.5   practice times, restrictions, policies and access

4.6   school and/or District travel policies and insurance requirements.

4.6.1 Overnight trips must have a school based sponsor and must comply with the VSB field trip policy.

4.7   the BCSS Coach’s Code of Conduct and procedures

4.8   the BCSS Eligibility Policies and procedures

4.9   the decision-making process and jurisdictional boundaries of the School, School District, VSSAA, Sport Commission and BCSS.

4.10 required paperwork for team and player registration and entry into events

4.11 how and where to register for NCCP clinics

5.     Schools must have a school based adult to assist with the team organization/administration:

5.1   Collect player information and provide to Athletic Director in timely fashion

5.2   Distribute (collect following season) team uniforms

5.3   Coordinate early dismissal forms

5.4   Liaise between the community coach and athletic director and/or principal

5.5   Player discipline issues

6.       School Principal will be responsible for ensuring that an administrator or a VSB designated employee will be in the school during all home games.

Note: It is strongly recommended that periodic observations of the Community Coach at practice and in competition be conducted by the Athletic Director and/or Principal.

7.     GAME SHEETS: All sports (BCSS & VSSAA) must use a VSSAA approved game sheet on which all player rosters must be completed prior to the start of the game or match.

8.     Communication: Schools wanting to change game times, game dates, game locations or to postpone games must communicate with the opposing school contact, league convener, statistician and District Athletics Coordinator in writing (in the form of an email). These changes will not be considered in effect until a reply confirmation is sent out by the league convener. (Arrangements for any changes would still be the responsibility of the school).


Section V             Sport Seasons & Limitations for Play for non-BC School Sports Activities

1.     All VSSAA sports and leagues will use the BC School Sports Seasons of Play calendar for exhibition games, league and playoffs.

2.     There will be no date restrictions on coaching and practicing in secondary school sports. Practices are to be classified as either a) in-season or b) out of season, in nature.

An in-season practice is one which occurs within the season dates as described. These practices may be compulsory and should serve to select team members.

Out-of-season practices are those which occur at any other time during the school year beyond the traditional season dates. These practices are non-compulsory.  Non- attendance may not cause non-selection to the team.  Student athletes must complete their responsibilities to the in-season sport (attend practices and games) first.  In-season sports will have first call on the students, facilities, and equipment at that school.

The VSSAA does not recommend nor sanction summer programs, practices nor competition between June 15 and the opening day of school.

N.B. Individual schools have the right to be more restrictive either at certain grade levels or throughout their athletic programs. If schools wish to retain and enforce the traditional season dates for practices that is their prerogative.

3.     Out of Season Guidelines:

(i)     The individual or team desiring to compete must affiliate with the appropriate Provincial Sport Organization.

(ii)  The individual or team must not use the school name, stationery, accounting system or wear the school uniform during competition.

(iii) The individual league or team is solely responsible for suitable and appropriate insurance coverage (medical, liability, etc.).

(iv) The individual or team must book school facilities in accordance with school or district policy. These facility times must not be in conflict with in-season league play or practices.

(v)  The administration of the school shall ensure that the out of season sport not operate to the detriment of any in season sport.

(vi) School teams are allowed to play International and Out of Province visiting teams and special tournaments.

Recommendation: That parents of the individuals competing must receive notification from the school and acknowledge in writing that the competitive experience being provided is not part of the regular inter-scholastic athletic program of the school.

4.     Spring practice and/or exhibition play (for fall sports only) is permitted for a maximum of 10 school days after the VSSAA Track Meet has been completed and until June 15.

5.     There shall be no practices, competition or exhibition play between June 15 and the opening day of school in September.


Section VI            Defaults, Postponements, Forfeitures

1.     Default - Forty-eight (48) hours’ notice must be given to the scheduled opponent by any team intending to default a game. The Athletic Director of the school whose team intends to default a game must be informed prior to such notice being given.  Full explanation of the details connected with the default must be sent to the VSSAA president. The directors of the association shall decide the penalty for a default.

If a team does not provide proper notification with accordance to league policies then the league and VSSAA will impose penalties.

2.      Postponements - Scheduled games may be postponed only for weather conditions or other reasons beyond the control of the school and with specific consent of the teacher sponsor of the other school involved. The game must be rescheduled at the earliest convenience of both schools, and prior to the last league game.  Coaches are expected to attend VSTA AGMs and should reschedule games on those dates.

For all other VSTA meetings, the discretion of the coach prevails.  If one coach wishes to attend the meeting, the game is to be rescheduled. Communication between coaches is IMPERATIVE. Teams are committed to play all of their scheduled exhibition, league and playoff games. If a team does not fulfill its obligations to the league, a protest should be filed with the VSSAA Protest Committee by the opposing coach and/or convener.

3.      Forfeit - If a school, for reasons beyond its control, cannot play a scheduled game, the directors may award the game to the other team involved. This shall be called a forfeit. If teams use an ineligible player, the game will be forfeited.

4.     Withdrawals - Penalties for league withdrawals will include a minimum $50.00 fine and possible probation or suspension from Association membership. Any team entered in a league must realize its commitment on the part of the team members to carry on its obligations to finish out a schedule, including VSSAA playoffs.

a)   Prior to the league schedule being finalized - $50.00

b)   After the schedule has been finalized but prior to the league commencement - $150.00

c)   Once the league schedule has commenced - $250.00

If a team is to be withdrawn from a league, formal notification must be sent to the President of the VSSAA. The letter must be signed by the coach, athletic director and the principal of the school.

If a team has been withdrawn by the principal for disciplinary reasons that team should be exempt from further action by the VSSAA.

5.     For the purpose of this Section, the VSSAA executive shall decide whether failure to play as scheduled shall be classed as “default”, “postponement”, “forfeit” or “double forfeit”, i.e. loss of points by both sides. 


Section VII           Protests

The coach/sponsor shall be responsible for protesting a game with the following Protest Procedure:

1.     The protesting coach must confer with the opposing coach and official stating the reason(s) for the Protest, state that the game will be played under protest and write this information on the scoresheet, if applicable.

2.     Continue to play the game.

3.     If the protesting team loses, the coach must inform the Athletic Director of his/her school and submit in writing within 1 school day of the competition, the protest to the opposition coach and Athletic Director, the protest committee chair and the league convener.

4.     The league convener must then notify the opposing coach of the protest and ask that they submit a report, signed by the Athletic Director, of the disputed game. This report should be received by the league convener within two (2) days of the request.

5.     The Protest Committee shall consist of a VSSAA Administrative Representative, League Convener, and First Vice-President. The protest committee will consider information from both sides and its decision is binding.  (*In the event of a potential conflict between the school, or individual in question and a committee member, the president shall designate an alternate.)


Section VIII          Control of Competition

1.     A sponsor from each participating school must be on the bench/sidelines, with the team, for the entire game. When a school fails to fulfil this requirement it shall forfeit all rights to that game.

2.     Referees - Competent officiating must be provided.  Coaches or sponsors are expected to maintain control of games. The following steps should be taken when officials are unsatisfactory or when a dispute arises during a contest.

(a)  Coaches or sponsors should meet with the officials.

(b)  Coaches and players should be given ample warning before being ejected from a contest. No warning is needed when the action is flagrant.

Coaches/sponsors should notify officials of the above procedure as the need arises.

3.     Student Officials - If you feel a student official is causing serious problems, you and the opposing coach should meet with the official(s) during a stoppage in play - or, if necessary, call a stoppage - in order to prevent the game from getting out of hand. A student official should not eject a coach or player from a contest without giving ample warning - unless the action is flagrant. The best procedure is to have your student official speak to both coaches before taking any action.  If a student official is obviously doing an unsatisfactory job, the best procedure would be to have one of the coaches finish the game as the official.

4.     When a Yellow card is issued to serve as a warning, for infractions, the player(s) shall be substituted out of the game/match for a “cooling off” period, after which time he/she may resume playing.

A Red card is issued for serious infractions.  It may or may not follow issuing of a Yellow card. A Red card is synonymous with ejection from a game, i.e. Red card ejection. Any ejection from a game or match is followed by an immediate suspension with a minimum of one league or playoff game.  In sports that do not use the Yellow/Red cards, a verbal indication of ejection will suffice.


Section IX            Player Eligibility for all Sports (VSSAA & BC SCHOOL SPORTS)

1.     A student may represent his/her school in any VSSAA sanctioned sport during a season.  Schools have the autonomy to place restrictions on students participating in more than one sport per season.

Fall Season:             Field Hockey (girls), Rugby (bantam & juvenile), Soccer (boys), Volleyball (girls, junior & senior boys)

Winter Season:        Basketball (boys & girls), Gymnastics (boys & girls), Ice Hockey (girls), Table Tennis (boys & girls), Wrestling

Spring Season:        Badminton (co-ed), Golf (open), Rugby (jr & sr boys), Soccer (girls), Softball (girls), Track & Field,

Tennis (co-ed), Ultimate (co-ed), Volleyball (bantam & juvenile boys)                            

2.     A player must be legally registered with a team and dress in two (2) league games to be eligible for VSSAA playoffs at any level with that team.

3.     Grade Seven (7) students are not permitted to participate in VSSAA leagues or playoffs.

4.     Students must be a member of a VSSAA school in order to be eligible to participate in VSSAA activities.  Students are only eligible to represent the school that they are currently registered to and they meet all other eligibilities BC School Sports policies.


Section X             Player Eligibility for non-BC SCHOOL SPORTS Activities

That individual students must meet the applicable eligibility requirements of BCSS to participate in the VSSAA competition as detailed in the BC School Sports’ Handbook under the Student Athlete Eligibility Section.

All Eligibility appeals must be filed with the VSSAA president for consideration in accordance with the BCSS Rules and Regulations.

The Eligibility Committee shall consist of a minimum of three (3) of the following: Past President, the 2nd Vice President, an Administrative Representative, and Classroom Representative. (In the event of a potential conflict between the school, individual in question or committee member, the president shall designate an alternate).


Section XI            Player Registration for non-BC SCHOOL SPORTS Activities

As of the 1999 June Annual General Meeting, all teams must use the VSSAA Player Registration form (teams are not registered on BCSS STARS system). These forms should be sent to the VSSAA (Athletics Coordinator), not BC School Sports. However, BCSS registration deadlines do apply.


Section XII           Guidelines for Interschool Competition

All Rules of Competitive Policies and Procedures for both BCSS and VSSAA Sports shall be governed in accordance with the BCSS’ Policies as outlined in their current handbook.


Section XIII          VSSAA Student Transfer Policy

1.     When a student speaks directly with a coach regarding enrolling in his/her school as a cross boundary or administrative transfer, or as soon as a coach becomes aware of a student athlete who is attempting to cross boundary or administrative transfer, coaches will:

a)           Communicate immediately and directly with the coach of the student’s home school that such a transfer process has commenced.

b)          Speak with their respective principals/vice-principals and athletic directors regarding the student transfer.

c)           Convene a meeting of the parents and the coaches, athletic directors and principals/vice-principals of both schools if the reason for the student’s athletic eligibility is questioned.

d)          Only accept the student into their athletic program if Schools coaches, athletic directors and principals/vice-principals agree that there is sound basis for the transfer request and the resulting player eligibility.

2.     If a student has participated in league play for one school and subsequently transfers to another school during the same season without the appropriate parental change of address then the player is ineligible at the new school until the next season of play.

3.     If there is not a sound basis for the cross boundary or administrative transfer request and all parties cannot agree, then both the student and parents should be informed that their son/daughter will not be eligible for the current playing season.

4.     Coaches who are actively involved in camps, whether during the school year or during the summer, shall ensure that it is clearly stated that the purpose of the camp is not to solicit cross boundary student players.

5.     Consistent with the BCTF Code of Ethics, coaches will not tolerate and will actively discourage any criticism of other colleagues, and if a coach believes that a colleague has violated the spirit of this agreement, it is his/her responsibility to contact the coach directly.

All schools participating in VSSAA leagues must adhere to the policies as listed above (including non VSSAA schools). Schools not willing to abide by the policy will not be permitted to participate in VSSAA leagues.



Section I               Students

Any time a student represents a member school, he or she is under the jurisdiction of the VSSAA, whether playing another member of this Association or not. The VSSAA shall have jurisdiction in the following instances:

(a)  Incidents between competitors;

(b)  Incidents between competitors and spectators;

(c)  Incidents between competitors and game officials;

(d)  Incidents between competitors and adults in positions of authority:

(e)   Improper conduct between players of the VSSAA or players registered in VSSAA leagues to and from the game;

(f)     Incidents between coaches and/or sponsors with game officials.


Individual school athletic boards must follow these procedures in dealing with discipline cases as outlined below:

1.     Minimum Discipline Guidelines for Student Ejection

The following procedures will be followed if a player is ejected for any action which is contrary to the letter and spirit of the game. This includes unfair play, misconduct, dangerous play, unsporting behaviour, retaliation, repeated infringements, disrespect, foul or abusive language and incidents of a racial nature.

(a)  The sponsor/coach of the offending player(s) is responsible for NOTIFYING HIS/ HER PRINCIPAL AS SOON AS POSSIBLE. The opposing teacher, sponsor/coach, referee or any staff member viewing a given game is also encouraged to contact the principal.

(b)  The principal or his/her appointee will initiate a meeting of the school discipline committee to process the case. The composition of the discipline committee is determined by each school.

(c)  Any ejection is followed by an immediate suspension, with a minimum of one league or playoff game, without reinstatement until the athletic board meets.

(d)  The athletic director will send the results to the VSSAA on the discipline decision form. The student’s suspension shall be in effect until this report has been received by the VSSAA discipline chair. A written confirmation of receipt of the report will be sent by the Discipline Chair.

(e)  The discipline decision form will be filed with the VSSAA and upon receipt of the second offence by a given student, the VSSAA directors will be notified.

2.     Appeal of Minimum Standards

If the school discipline committee believes that a student should be exempt from the minimum penalties because of the circumstances of the case, the athletic director should contact the VSSAA president. The case will be discussed by the VSSAA Discipline Committee.


Section II             Discipline Committee

The incidents listed below must be referred to the VSSAA DISCIPLINE COMMITTEE which shall consist of the First Vice-President, League Convener of the sport concerned and administrative representative.  (*In the event of a potential conflict between the school, or individual in question and a committee member, the president shall designate an alternate.)

Types of Offenses

1.     Second and third offenses as in Section I above.

2.     Incidents involving players or both teams before and after the game, and serious incident(s) during a game; e.g., fighting.

3.     Situations including gross misconduct, drugs and/or alcohol.

4.     Improper conduct by players while travelling to and from games or while away overnight. The student is to be responsible to the school for his actions until he has returned home.

The Discipline Committee may impose probation; suspension from a certain number of games, suspension from remainder of the season or a subsequent season, or a calendar year. The Committee may refer to the VSSAA directors for action. A student(s) may not participate in games or practices until granted permission by the school athletic board, discipline committee, or the VSSAA Executive. Any suspension must be served immediately.


Section III            Teams/Spectators

When the conduct of a school team, player(s) and/ or spectator(s) during competition does not conform to the standard expected by the Association; teachers are directed to Article H, Section I and II.


Section IV            General Conduct of Coaches

When the conduct of a coach (es) or sponsor(s) during competition is detrimental to the objectives of the VSSAA the non-offending coach is directed to approach the offender(s) to resolve the issue.  If satisfaction is not realized the offending coach(es) or sponsor(s) should be informed that their principal will be notified.

The non-offending coach will then ask his/her principal to contact the offender’s(s’) principal. One or both principals should have verbal contact with the VSSAA.

Procedures for violations of the Coach’s Code of Conduct

1. Filing a complaint

a.   The offending coach (respondent) must be notified in writing at least 24 hours (1 school day) prior to a formal complaint being filed.  The complaint must be filed with BCSS for all BCSS sports and copied to the VSSAA president.  For all VSSAA sports, the complaint must be sent to the VSSAA president.  Notification may be made by fax, email or letter to the coach, c/o of his/her school.

b.   The complainant and the respondent may wish to pursue informal resolution prior to the formal complaint being filed with the athletic association.

c.   The formal complaint must be filed within 5 school days after the situation or incident has occurred.

d.   The complaint must cite the specific clause of the coach’s code of conduct (BCSS handbook) alleged to have been violated, the date of the occurrence and the particulars of the alleged violation, including naming other parties involved (if applicable).

e.   Additional information in support of the complaint can be submitted as written evidence and be attached to the complaint. This additional information may take the form of letters from students or spectators, reports or letters from tournament or game/event officials, or confirming information from other coaches or school officials. If the evidence is submitted by a minor, the letter must be co-signed by the minor’s parent or guardian. All submitted information must be dated.

2.    Disciplinary Hearing:

a)   The hearing between the VSSAA Discipline committee, the complainant and the respondent will take place within 15 school days of the formal written complaint being received.

b)  The VSSAA Discipline committee will consist of the President, First Vice- President and Administrative Representative. (In the event of a potential conflict between the school, or individual in question and a committee member, an alternate from the VSSAA executive will be designated)

c)   If the complainant and/or respondent are members of VSTA or VESTA, either or both has the option to have a staff rep present at the hearing.

3.    Disciplinary Penalties:

The VSSAA will rule on the complaint, with the following options available to them. These are not written as progressive penalties, but should be applied with due care taken regarding the severity of the offense and the discipline history of the respondent:

a)   No steps taken; complaint not upheld

b)   The complaint upheld, but no action taken

c)    A letter of reprimand to the offending coach

d)   A letter of reprimand to the offending coach and instruction to take a coaching certification theory course within 12 months

e)   A letter of reprimand and a probationary period for the offending coach of up to twelve (12) months

f)    Penalty as in (d) and (e) but with an additional probationary period for the member school of the offending coach

g)    The suspension of the offending coach from coaching restricted and unrestricted competition in Vancouver (all sports / all levels) for a minimum period determined by the VSSAA to a maximum permanent suspension from school sport coaching in Vancouver.

h)   Any coach disciplined under (g) will receive an automatic minimum twelve (12) month suspension for a second instance of a violation of the coach’s code of conduct, within a three (3) year period from the first instance.

4.    The Ruling:

The ruling must be made within five (5) days of the Hearing, in writing, to the offending coach. cc: Complainant, Offending Coach’s school Athletic Director and School Administrator, School District Superintendent, the Athletic Association President.

5.    Reminder:

In the case of any probationary period or suspension that continues past the end of a school year, prior to the next school year, VSSAA will send a reminder letter of the penalty and the terms of the penalty to the coach, the school athletic director, the school administrator, the school district superintendent, the athletic association president and the applicable sport commission.


Section V             Discipline Appeal Committee

1.    The Discipline Appeal Committee shall consist of the VSSAA Executive.  Coaches wishing to appeal a disciplinary decision must make written submission (3 copies) within 24 hours of the decision to the VSSAA president.  Statements must be detailed. The Discipline Appeal Committee may refer appeals to the VSSAA Executive and/or the Board of Governors for advice and/or action.

Disciplinary appeals must be supported and signed by the school principal and athletic director of the student’s school.  If an appeal hearing is requested by a student, the request must come from the principal and athletic director both of whom may be requested to represent or accompany the student to the hearing. This shall constitute the student’s right of due process.

2.    The VSSAA Discipline Appeal Committee shall deal with the following cases:

a)   Teams that were disciplined by the VSSAA Discipline Committee in accordance with the VSSAA Rules & Regulations (Article H. Discipline).

b)   Players that were disciplined by the VSSAA Discipline Committee in accordance with the VSSAA Rules & Regulations (Article H. Discipline).

c)    Any decision reached by the VSSAA Executive and/or VSSAA League Convener.



1.    All hearings shall be held as soon as possible after the required reports have been received by the appropriate VSSAA Executive Member.

2.    The competitor, or coach, or school in question may, if they wish, attend the Hearing.  A student may be accompanied by a Parent, Coach, Athletic Director or Principal.  If a parent wants to attend, the parent must be accompanied by the Principal or Athletic Director.

3.    The competitor in question, or competitor’s representative shall advise the competitor’s Athletic Director if the competitor plans to attend the Hearing. The Athletic Director must inform the VSSAA Vice-President who will be attending the VSSAA Eligibility Appeal Hearing or the VSSAA Disciplinary Hearing. The Athletic Director must also advise the VSSAA President who will be attending the VSSAA Jury of Appeal.

4.    The competitor in question shall be given an opportunity to present an explanation of the disciplinary incident and to cross-examine the evidence against the competitor. 

5.    After the competitor in question or the competitor’s representative(s) have appeared before a VSSAA Hearing, the Panel shall meet privately to consider its decision.

6.    The decision of the Panel shall be communicated to the School Athletic Director, in writing, as soon as possible. The School Athletic Director, or teacher/coach, or teacher/ sponsor should be first notified of the decision by telephone.

7.    The Panel will also provide the VSSAA President and the District Athletics Coordinator with a written copy of the decision.



Upon proof of the violation of the VSSAA Constitution and/or Rules and Regulations by a school or one of its representatives, the VSSAA Executive may suspend the offending player, team coach, sponsor or school from participation in VSSAA sponsored competition or impose such lesser punishments as it shall decide.  Such suspension shall stand until lifted by the directors or by a general meeting.



The Recognition of Coaches Committee shall consist of the Classroom Representative and the President.


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